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How much data can I store in the DataFlash?

How much data can I store in the DataFlash?

FAQsCategory: HardwareHow much data can I store in the DataFlash?
Amulet Staff asked 6 years ago

The 4.3" Amulet GEM Starter Kit, GEMboard, GEMboard (Tianma 4.3"), GEMboard (Tianma 4.7"), GEMboard II, and GEMexpress ship with 32-Megabit Serial Flash for storing μHTML GUI pages. Of the 32 Megabits, about 200-Kbytes is reserved for Amulet Firmware. The GEMexpress II ships with 64-Megabit Serial Flash for storing uHTML GUI pages.

The 3.8" Amulet Starter Kit ships with a 4-Megabit or 512-Kbytes of DataFlash. Of the 512-Kbytes, 64-Kbytes is reserved for Amulet firmware. The other 448-Kbytes is for storage of µHTML™ pages. The 5.7" Amulet Starter Kit has twice the amount of DataFlash as the 3.8" (totaling 8-Megabits or 1-Megabyte). You can literally program hundreds of µHTML™ objects into the DataFlash.